O texto preliminar da nova edição da NBR7190 Projeto de estruturas de madeira está em consulta Nacional pela ABNT até dia 20 de fevereiro de 2022. Para visualizar, faça cadastro no site da ABNT e consulte pelo comitê CB-002 Construção Civil, no link.
Abstract Reminder from WCTE2023
Dear Colleagues,
The WCTE2023 Secretariat would like to remind you that the submission deadline is 1 March 2022. Authors are encouraged to submit an abstract using the Direct link to Portal Sign In The topics and subtopics are detailed on the official website (
If you have any further questions please contact us via the website or by email: Secretariat@wcte2023.org
Kjell Arne Malo
Anders Q. Nyrud
Kristine Nore
Knut Werner Lindeberg Alsén
Conference Secretariat
2023 World Conference on Timber Engineering
June 19 – 22, Oslo, Norway
Email: Secretariat@wcte2023.org
Eventossubmissão de trabalhosWCTE2023